Another element of research I would undertake is looking at maps, pior and post rebranding to see if there are any major road changes showing improvement in access to the area. Furthermore, Google earth would also be a place I would gather data from allowing me to analyse satellite images of the area and help me choice where I will conduct my fieldwork. Conducting my fieldwork in order to collect my primary data, I would start with posting questionnaires online asking people who live there or visit the area to voice their views on the area prior and post to rebranding and how they feel it has been a success
In the area, I would go to several different places conducting an environmental quality survey rating the area from 1-5 on elements such as rubbish and graffiti. I would study the features of rebranding, e.g. a large shopping centre such as the Bullring in Birmingham and analyse them on visual appearance, business, green spaces, etc and yet again, compare these anaylsis with old photographs and accounts. Overall, I would compare the secondary data with the primary data I collected, highlighting the success and failures. When I went to Ipswich and conducted my fieldwork, the area had been rebranded by I found that 90% out of 20 people were happy with the rebranding.