Humans have never had to deal with problems associated with water pollution until now, when we have already caused irreversible damage and have run into major difficulties regarding water worldwide. Although we rely on this critical resource to survive, we have failed to take care of our sources and water pollution has increasingly become a large problem that humans must deal with. Water is a human’s most valuable resource and it is essential to every living species. Humans can survive without food for several weeks, but we would die in less than a week without water. On a dramatic note, people consume and waste millions of gallons of water every day worldwide not only for washing, irrigating crops, and cooling in industrial processes, but also for filling swimming pools and water sports centers. Despite our dependence on water, we use it as a dumping ground for all sorts of waste, and do very little to protect the water supplies we have. 1. Weber, Peter. World Watch. Washington: Mar 1994. Vol. 7, Iss. 2; p. 20
The oceans are one of the most important natural resources on the planet. Many plants, fish, and mammals have made the ocean their home. Much of the world's human population depends a great deal on the ocean for their own food or to make a living. Because of the importance for the ocean, it must be taken care of to insure a future for a clean planet.
2. “NRDC: Guide to Greener Living.” NRDC: Natural Resources Defense Council - The Earth's Best Defense. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. <>.
“More than four out of every ten gallons of water used in the US are used for industrial purposes.” A large amount of this water is dumped back into the oceans. This water is usually not clean, and may contain thousands of different chemicals. When this happens it can kill marine life, contaminate food supplies, and endanger people who use waters for fishing, swimming, or drinking.
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