Geologic Time Worksheet
Use the following table to compare ways of evaluating geologic time. Your description, similarities, and differences must each be at least 50 words.
|Time Evaluation Method |Description |Advantages of this Method |Disadvantages of this Method |
|Relative dating |Relative dating is the process |There are a few advantages of |The disadvantage to relative |
| |of estimating the order of |relative dating. One is that |dating is that an exact time |
| |events but not necessarily |this is an estimate of the age |cannot be given to a rock |
| |determining when the events |of a structure. Meaning that |structure or fossil. This method|
| |occurred. When looking at rocks |there is room for error. This |is only an estimate and because |
| |and fossils the deeper the |method is good if weathering or |of that the true time in which a|
| |structure or fossil the older it|erosion is prevalent. Because |rock structure or fossil was |
| |is. During this process there is|some of the rock structure is |started or deposited cannot be |
| |not exact age or date that is |missing or interrupted exact age|determined. |
| |given to a rock or fossil only |would not be able to be found. | |
| |an estimate of when it stated or| | |
| |was alive. | | |