Chapter 18 Mass Wasting (movement)
Mass Wasting – process in which gravity pulls soil, debris, sediment, and broken rock (collectively known as regolith) down a hillside or cliff
Avoidance – approach for avoiding a geologic hazard such as mass wasting by learning to recognize the characteristics of an unstable slope and by not building or engaging in other activities there * with growing population, people are now building communities with neighborhoods in places like stream valleys that are prone to flooding, slopes of active volcanoes, fault zones with earthquakes hazards, shorelines where ocean is constant threat, and hillsides that are vulnerable to mast wasting * by moving onto and living on these areas, exacerbates the problem, makes area more dangerous
Vaiont Dam * dam in the Italian Alps, purpose to trap river in order to cerate reservoir and generate power for surrounding communities * building water level affected groundwater level, and walls of dam, accelerating downward movement of mountainside was filling the reservoir * massive block of soil 2 km long 1.5 km wide fell down the mountain into the reservoir, causing titanic wave 100 m high that overtopped the dam and slammed into town of Longarone, killing 2600 people
Undercutting – river erosion removes rock at the base of the hillside that previously buttressed the limestone * dam survived and still stands, but dam closed and abandon
Geological Engineering – study of geological processes and the role they play in engineering projects and safety, heavily focused on after the disaster
Creep – slow, down slope migration of soil under the influence of gravity * occur over months to centuries
Solifluction – type of soil creep that occurs in water saturated regolith in cold climates * most is seen in permafrost zones – ground that is permanently frozen but develops a thawed layer in the summer * produces distinctive wave forms of slowly sliding soil