Synopsis submitted to College of Management and Economic Studies for the partial fulfillment of the degree of
Guided by:
Ms. Surbhi Arora
Assistant Professor
College of Management and Economic Studies
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
Dehradun- 248006
Submitted by:
Ankit Mittal
Enrollment No: R240208008
SAP ID: 500003372
College of Management and Economic Studies
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
November, 2012
* To study the geopolitical factors related with oil and natural gas which derive from the mismatch of location between reserve/production and consumption. * To assess the feasibility of cross country pipelines due to geopolitical complexity. It is not only oil or natural gas but political message that flow through a pipeline. * To study the impact of pipelines on global energy market, history of pipelines littered with conflict and what might be done to reduce conflict and make pipelines less troublesome.
MOTIVATION/NEED FOR RESEARCH * Politically South-Asia has been a volatile region with conflicts between India and Pakistan, the two majors in this region, and both dependent on imported gas. * According to Directorate General of Hydrocarbon demand supply gap in the natural gas sector could be as high as 40% in the long term. Therefore, energy source security is a primary concern for the country. * According to 12th Five year plan the demand of Natural gas will rise at a CAGR of around 20% which is more than double the pace at which our economy would increase so it clearly depicts that natural gas in the coming years would contribute much for the economy. * As per BP statistical review 2010, the share of natural gas out of the total other fuels that are used, is expected to reach 20% by 2025 from the current 10%. Hence, if