In George Orwell’s “1984” the tyrannic rule of The Big Brother and the Party extends over all aspects of the land they govern. The Party unjustly controls every fiber of their society. Love is no exception to this dishonorable rule. In the hands of the Party love is a tool, a tool simple and effective enough to control the hearts of a nation. Images of “false” love a catalyst for the establishment of unwavering duty and nationality. Love became a lost art, with physical animal attraction being the basis of reproduction, pride the raiser of children, and duty to “Big Brother” the future. This change in the very nature of love is a direct reflection of Oceania’s political, social …show more content…
and economic structure.
In Oceania love is a product of war.
War is used by the Party to control the populace; they do so by boosting morale for the war. Once love, religion, and balance was the core of war. War was the product of love sacrifice the compromise of peace. But in transition to a Super-state society, war became yet another tool in the Party’s arsenal. The Party promotes all aspects of the war, including the continuation of the war. They use the traditional feeling of duty the people anchor to in war time as a way to rally emotion. By promoting war in every aspect, the Party is able to reinvent war to make a false sense of nationality in which a state of total war is exhumed giving the Party the ability to place their inhabitants under hidden form of
By instilling a false love of the government the people are determined to achieve their duty to Big Brother. This is shown by the pride Party member Syme takes in his children, of whom are schooling as spies for the Party. The people of oceania work to live in prosperity this includes lest they live like the Proles, starving, broken, unwanted, defenceless, and without love. By staying blind to the Party’s influence through love the people allowed a totalitarian government to place them under slavery.
The people of Oceania are inclined with their blissful ignorance to love. They blindly love their society as like war, love is another tool reshaped to fit the Party’s regime. This blindness makes the people incapable to identify truth and justice as they should be. And the people will stay blind. Love is meant to progress the world in a way logic and reason can not.
But the power of love was perverted by the party. By manipulating love to serve a selfish immoral regime the Party will cause its own destruction. Winston and Julia will not be the only people to find a form of love that contradict the Party.