The novel 1984 is set in a country called Oceana or today's England, the entire country is controlled by one leader otherwise known as "Big Brother". The civilians have no thoughts of their own and only do and think what the government tells them, because "Big Brother is watching you". Winston, the main character, works in the Ministry of Truth, a place where he changes history for the benefit of the government; he is tired and frustrated by the way he is living not being able to have free thought or any other expression of individuality. Winston decides that he wants to become a rebel along with Julia who he fell in love with, together they discover the horrible ways that they are being controlled; this is until they are discovered and taken away. Over months Winston is tortured and brainwashed yet resists conform until he is taken to the room of …show more content…
In the essay Orwell gives many of his reasons for why he writes what he writes about. George also gives a short look into his life, his early childhood and how he became an author. George talks about how growing up he rarely saw his father, since he was a Civil Servant. Orwell also explained how he grew up and lived in many places where he learned to write, he joined the Spanish Civil War which sparked his interest in politics. What is interesting about this piece of writing is the structure and topic; the structure does not resemble an informative essay but more like persuasive, while the topic is not a story of why he writes but an explanation with reasoning. George Orwell even does to explain that the Spanish Civil War was one of the main reasons for why he writes about politics “Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.” .This claim proves the thoughts of the author to the