for his great achievments.
George Washington has not gotten the title of being the "Father of our Nation" by luck, but gained the privlege to have it.
George Washington didn't set out to gain the public's admiration, but started out as a man that fought for his country. Washington became the Commander of Chief of our nation during the time the First Continential Congress was convening. Washington also fought during the Revolutionary War and helped our nation defeat the British at the mouth of the Delaware River. Just by this one selfless act, Washington helped turned the chances of America gaining it's freedom from our rivals. In addition, our nation was able to count on Washington when we drafted our first Constitution and needed a president. The men of our congress were honored to ask Washington to be our nation's first leader. His great leader skills and his tendencey to always be there for our nation got our nation to stability and peace. Moreover, Washington was humbly asked to preside for a third term, but he knew that his work with the nation was done, and he humbly stepped down. George Washington was well deserved for the title of "Father of the Nation" because he was always there to help out and set himself as role models for upcoming
Although, Lincoln and Jefferson are great leaders of our nation, they didn't have the same overacheiving habits as George Washington. Abraham Lincoln was able to achieve many things, but his greatest achievment was his duty in the Civil War. However, his impact on America wasn't as great as Washington because he was not able to fully change the idea of seperat but equal. In addition, Thomas Jefferson also had a tremendous outbreak when he wrote the Declaration of Independence, which set us free from our domineering rivals. Once again, Jefferson's achievment wasn't as great as Washingtons because if it wasn't for Washington defeating the British at Trenton, our nation wouldn't have come so far into writing the Declaration of Independence. However, Jefferson and Lincoln are still seen as great leaders of America.
The United States has come an extremely long way to where it's at now due to our brave leaders. Our nation will continue to thrive and grow but we have one amazing leader that set the rules and standards of our nation. George Washington will forever be the "Father of the Nation" because of his countless creditentuals at being an outstanding leader. He has set the people of America free and has given every citizen the basic freedoms of our nation. However, Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson have also contributed to our strong, montenous nation we have today.