He was a humble man by nature who was not seeking power or authority over others as described by his hesitancy to accept the position to head the assembly that developed the constitution. However, because of his love of the country and the dislike of monarchies, Washington accepted the position because he felt a strong constitution was necessary to enable free men to govern themselves. In keeping with his belief, he spent many months traveling the country to ensure the ratification of the freshly created constitution, which was achieved in June of 1788. Washington was well respected by his peers, and this is why there was a movement afoot to appoint George Washington to the newly created position of President. Although flattered by such suggestions, was not interested in the
He was a humble man by nature who was not seeking power or authority over others as described by his hesitancy to accept the position to head the assembly that developed the constitution. However, because of his love of the country and the dislike of monarchies, Washington accepted the position because he felt a strong constitution was necessary to enable free men to govern themselves. In keeping with his belief, he spent many months traveling the country to ensure the ratification of the freshly created constitution, which was achieved in June of 1788. Washington was well respected by his peers, and this is why there was a movement afoot to appoint George Washington to the newly created position of President. Although flattered by such suggestions, was not interested in the