Mr. Meckel said the Luftwaffe school was divided into several phases of training. The first step was going to the university in Germany to complete his 1 year of pre-requisites, the second phase being completion of basic training. The next step in the process was pilot school recruit, followed by the start of your actual pilot school. After his completion at the university in Berlin, he was shipped off to basic training. The train ride into training was the worst part of his basic training. He was given a uniform and was packed tightly into old cattle trains along with 48 other
Mr. Meckel said the Luftwaffe school was divided into several phases of training. The first step was going to the university in Germany to complete his 1 year of pre-requisites, the second phase being completion of basic training. The next step in the process was pilot school recruit, followed by the start of your actual pilot school. After his completion at the university in Berlin, he was shipped off to basic training. The train ride into training was the worst part of his basic training. He was given a uniform and was packed tightly into old cattle trains along with 48 other