Study Guide for Final
1. Why is it important to study gerontological nursing?
Our society is rapidly aging, with an increasing proportion of the population being over the age of 65. This growth of the older population is expected to increase dramatically over the next 25 years. Consequently, there is a growing need for professionals to be trained to work with older persons.
2. Review the roles of the gerontological nurse.
Direct care providers, case managers, nurse leaders, educators, patient advocates, administrators.
3. What are the American Nurses Association (ANA) Standards of Clinical Gerontological Nursing Care?
A. Standard I: Assessment. a. The gerontological nurse collects patient health data. b. Enhances the nurse’s ability to make sound clinical judgments c. Culturally and ethnically appropriate B. Standard I: Assessment a. Types of assessments: Interviewing, Functional assessment, Environmental assessment, Physical assessment, Review of health records C. Standard II: Diagnosis a. The gerontological nurse analyzes the assessment data in determining diagnosis. b. Independently or collaboratively c. Evaluates health assessment data d. Develops comprehensive diagnoses e. Forms the basis for care interventions D. Standard III: Outcome Identification a. The gerontological nurse identifies expected outcomes individualized to the older adult. b. Ultimate goals of providing gerontological nursing are: i. To influence health outcomes ii. Improve or maintain the aging person’s health status E. Standard III: Outcome Identification a. Outcomes often focus on maximizing the aging person’s: i. State of well-being ii. Functional status iii. Quality of life F.