Prenatal care is important for the expecting mother, it helps to track keep track of the health of mother and baby there are many conditions that women find themselves faced with during pregnancy such as gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a conditions which develops during pregnancy. It occurs when the body is incapable of producing enough insulin to for the mother and fetus. If not properly managed it can cause adverse complications to the mother and the baby. Bassaw et al (2012) states “the main purpose of diagnosing gestational diabetes is to identify women at high risk of adverse perinatal outcomes including macrosomia, still birth, birth trauma and respiratory …show more content…
The goal for Fayola is to make she understands the effect of unmanaged gestational diabetes on the mother and baby. She has to know the normal values of blood sugar readings and what to do when her sugars are too high or too low. She also has to follow the strictly the diet set out for her by her dietician and to update her blood glucose journal daily. For the cognitive domain; Fayola has to be made aware that gestational diabetes is a serious condition, sometimes one may feel fine but there a various things happening internally to the mother and baby. “Babies born to women with gestational diabetes are at risk for respiratory distress syndrome as a result of insufficient lung maturity” Bone …show more content…
Fayola is shy and her English is not good. It’s important that she is comfortable and I will use teaching aids with pictures to make sure she understands fully; it would be most beneficial if she come with her husband since she is not fluent in English. Perry et al (2013) state “The woman’s partner should be included in preconception counseling to improve the support for the woman and understanding potential complications of diabetes”. Within the Cognitive domain I would first ascertain how much the patient knows about diabetes and its effects and I would provide teaching through explaining, having a discussion and use easy to read and material. According to Potter and Perry (2014) cognitive learning includes “applying the use of abstract newly learned ideas in a practical situation” I would then go step by step and state briefly in lay man’s terms what diabetes is and state the causes, symptoms and risk factors and complications of diabetes if it is not managed. One way to concretize this teaching session is to provide pamphlets and videos so she can view babies with macrosomia and large babies and babies born with respiratory conditions so that she may gain understanding of gestational diabetes and complications, I would state the importance of having a journal and updating it daily. I would include a question and answer segment. The teaching strategy with regards to the Affective domain would