“There is: 1)The Music 2)The ‘Music Business’ 3)The ‘Music Industry’. You should love the first, learn the second and outsmart the third.”
Some people would say that music has grown, that it is ‘better than ever’ and there is nothing to fault about it. After all, we live in an age where it is easier than ever to become a musician with the immense range of talent shows and contests on T.V. These must be extremely irritating to the original artists who have worked hard to get to the position they are in. It seems that every song nowadays is catchy and the musicians behind them are very talented; some of their paychecks would make even the richest of us quite pale! I believe this is not the case, and that if you scrape …show more content…
Remember ‘Flashlight’ by Jessie J? That was actually written by Sia and so was ‘Pretty hurts’ by Beyonce. Sia has written on average seventy three songs for other musicians, but what is more shocking is that Sia doesn’t have her name attached to many of these songs. Sia writes songs for people and doesn’t get credit get credit for them. It would be acceptable if she was at least mentioned on the songs, but she isn’t. If a musician doesn’t write the song then that should be specified, but to take complete credit for something they didn’t even make is completely wrong. We don’t like it when we spend time and energy on something and someone takes credit, so how would this be any different? Writing a song is the hardest part of making new music; it is one thing to be able to read and play music, but it is a completely other skill to write lyrics down and add music to them, anyone can play a cover of a song but it takes real imagination to make a completely original track without ripping someone else off. This is completely unfair and is a major issue with the industry.
In conclusion, these are the many unfair issues with the music industry. The quicker the industry resolves these, the sooner music will become even better than it is. If we just start accepting that we are flawed. We do need people to help sometimes, and going back to our original roots isn’t always a bad thing, to resolve all our issues and become even better than we are, or ever have