Rafferty Goldstone has been working at Bulwark Securities in Minneapolis, Minnesota as a sales representative for eight years. He also has an M.B.A. from Kellogg, and his boss Paul McKinley thinks that he has experience in the field of management, so to speak. Goldstone is only thirty-eight, and he seems like the obvious choice for a management position that is opening up at another branch. With a little bit of thought Goldstone accepted the offer to manage over thirty different sales reps at the Bulwark Securities in Framingham, Massachusetts. After Goldstone goes through management orientation, and after he gets settled into his new home and town he begins his new management job, and it starts off a little rough. …show more content…
Since he has been manager he has had problems with Bill Durkee, Juba Puckett, Tony Skrow, and he has hired Vance, which some of the other sales representatives have problems with. One of the hardest things for a manager to do is fire an employee who is hard working, but just is not getting the job done. It is especially hard to do when you know the employee has a family that depends on him and he has bills to pay. Not everything about being a manager is easy, and Goldstone definitely needs to make a decision about Durkee. Goldstone needs to treat Durkee like he is being treated by his boss. He needs to give him a warning, and tell him that if his performance does not improve within the next week then he is going to be let go. Hopefully this warning will give Durkee the motivation he needs to start making sales, but if it does not then Goldstone needs to fire him, and get him replaced. The situation of the other three sales representatives, that Goldstone has had problems with, needs to be assessed as well. It is too late for Goldstone to do anything about Juba Puckett because he already messed up with her and she quit. As for Vance, since he is a new employee, he needs to start off at the same level as the other sales representatives until he can prove himself. Goldstone needs to let him take over Juba Puckett’s position, because it is not fair to the other sales representatives to give him a corner office on his first day. If Vance wants a corner office he needs to earn it. If Goldstone does this to Vance, then the most important sales representative, Tony Skrow will be less likely a threat of quitting. Goldstone just needs to get his priorities strait with his sales reps. He can not risk losing the top performing sales representative, for the last fifteen years, by hiring someone new and giving them better treatment. If Goldstone can get all