Ghettos are preventing social mobility, and maintaining inequality in the society.
Social inequality is one of the biggest struggles today and have always been. It is something that every great mind has tried to solve, without any great success.
Social inequality is when resources in a society is unevenly distributed. Its separates people in different social categories, based on their personal resources, such as income, education and wealth. Bourdieu defined them as capitals. It divides social classes in the society, and can lead to unevenly distribution of rights …show more content…
Mechanical solidarity connects the individual to the society. Society is collectively organizing all members under the same beliefs. The bond there binds the individual to the society, is a collective awareness of shared interest and rituals. That is the direct contact between the members of the society. The association between individuals, there are connected through the same kind of work. As we see in the ghettos, where the cohesion of lines of work is very strongly.
Organic solidarity creates inequality. It is a system of different functions, based on division of labor, where a society moves from the similar kinds of work to more specialized work.
Each individual has a various function and a personality that is their own. The Individual grows as parts of society, and the society grows with the individual. The society becomes more efficient. The division of labor is necessary to make society work at its best potential. Durkheim saw the society as functioning and not in …show more content…
Durkheim argues that it is natural to have inequality, but it is not necessarily good.
Ghettos are preventing social mobility, and maintaining inequality in the society, in some ways. The society can prevent social inequality by adjusting the society to a more mechanical solidarity or a communistic society. But the individual can do it themselves, if it is capable of changing its own cultural capital, to a higher degree, and move to a better social layer.
Bibliography;, (2015). POVERTY. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Nov. 2015]., (2015). Communist Manifesto (Chapter 1). [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Nov. 2015].
Power Point Presentation. Lecture 1 (19.9.2015) ”What is Sociology”. Sociology, Bjørn Thomassen
Power Point Presentation. Lecture 2 (21.9.2015) ”French Sociology – norms and imitation”. Sociology, Bjørn Thomassen
Power Point Presentation. Lecture 7 (26.10.2015) ”Social Inequality, symbolic, violence and dominance”. Sociology, Nicole