
Gift To America

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Gift To America
America’s gift to my generation is all of the job opportunities and education that this country offers. In other countries, students who are not smart enough do not attend a normal high school. In America, it is required that all children have an education until they get to high school, where they are offered the opportunity unless they choose to drop out. We also have many job opportunities that come with our education. If you put in the effort in school you will be able to go to college and get an advanced education that will help you be successful in finding a well paying job. In America, children are given the opportunity to attend elementary school, middle school, and high school. If they put in the effort and work hard, they can also be able to go to college for academics. Laws are also constantly being added to help better school systems and better students’ education. In school, we are required to learn how to read, write, do math, science, and learn history and other skills. In many countries, certain people are not allowed to learn to read, write, or have an education. Also, in other countries, children who are not smart enough or don’t score high enough are denied the opportunity to go to a normal high school and get an …show more content…
People born in the 1940’s during the baby boomer period are retiring, leaving many jobs open for my generation to fill. This makes it a lot easier to find and get a job. Also, with all of the new advances in science, genetics, technology, etc, even more opportunities become available. This is good because many schools are making the transfer to technology. So, by the time my generation comes to the time where they are looking for jobs, they will already be skilled at using this technology. The gift that America offers to my generation is the gift of opportunity for education and

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