Derived from the Latin words:
Dactyl - finger and
Skopien – to study or examine * Is the practical application of the science of fingerprints. * Fingerprints * Is an impression design by the first joint of the fingers and thumb on smooth surface through the media of ink, sweat or any substance capable of producing visibility. * Bertillionage System * Basic Principles of Fingerprint * Individuality No two persons have the same fingerprint (based on Statistic Probability) * Infallibility That fingerprint is a positive and reliable means of identification. It cannot be easily be forged. * Constancy or permanency That the friction ridge once fully developed its arrangement will remains the same throughout man’s life. * Related Sciences to the Study of Fingerprint:
1. Chiroscopy * Derived from the Greek words : “ Cheir” – a hand, “Skopien” –to examine * is the science which deals with the study of the prints of the palms of the hand. * Related Sciences to the Study of Fingerprint:
2. Podoscopy * Derived from the Greek words: “Podo” – the foot, and Skopien – to examine * is the science which deals with the study of the footprints. * Related Sciences to the Study of Fingerprint:
3. Poroscopy * Derived from the Greek words: “poros” – a pore, and “Skopien” – to examine * is the scientific study of the arrangement of the sweat pores. * Edmond Locard- Father of Poroscopy) * Friction Skin * Is an epidermal hairless skin found on the ventral or lower surface of the hands and feet, covered with minute ridges and furrows and without coloring matters or pigment. are strips of the skin on the end joints of our fingers and thumb by which fingerprints are made. * Also called as papillary or epidermal ridges. * Components of the Friction Skin
1. Ridge surface a. Ridge – the elevated or hill like structure/ the