For starters, here are some ways that they are the same. They are both the parents for Ben and Curtis and they both wanna exceed in life. But they do that in different ways Sonya Carson moved to school to school to try and keep her kids safe while their a school. It states in the story …show more content…
that Ben always used to get bullied around at school. But when i say they wanna exceed in life i mean that they wanna live a better life and give their kids a life that sonya has never had when she was little.
They are also different in many ways too.
They both try and live life different ways, sonya cares about Ben and his dad doesn’t, Sonya wants her boys to be successful in life while his dads out with a new family to love and care about. What do i mean by they both try and live life in many different ways you ask well from the details in in the story it says that the dad was rich and you may ask then why didn’t he help the family out and give them some money well he wasn’t that kind of person he’s the kind of person that only cares about himself. Ben’s dad just wanted to move on in life so while he was gone he had met a new family and that then became his new family to love and care for and give them the life that he wants his kids to live now. Sonya is a different person than that, she doesn’t just care about herself she also cares about her family that she has. She moved several times because of the bullying that happens to Ben at school. What i'm trying to say is that Ben’s dad only wants money and as long as he’s ok then he’s fine with that.
In conclusion, Ben’s mom (Sonya) is different from Ben’s dad n many ways one loves him the other doesn’t, one cares for their family the other doesn’t. If you were Ben what would you think about your dad leaving your family for another family put yourself in Ben’s shoes how would that make you