The article looked at the overall effect that funded gifted programs have on the gifted students and the detrimental effects this funding has on the non-gifted population in the areas of school achievement as well as the effects and attitudes of school achievement for non-gifted students. Arguments have been made that funding for gifted programs puts non-gifted students at a disadvantage because it decreases the amount of funds available to provide regular education programs. In general, schools have not come up with a consensus on how to meet the needs of both gifted students and the non-gifted students. The federal government does not mandate programs be provided for gifted students. This decision is left to educators and administration, leaving them with questions of the effects of the policy they choose and the negative and positive consequences this policy will have on gifted and non-gifted students.
Studies had been performed to examine to the average effects of schools’ third through fifth grade gifted programming policy in mathematics and reading on school achievement and attitudes in gifted and non-gifted students. Advocates for gifted education students argue that these students need programs provided to them in the areas of mathematics and reading to help them to achieve their highest potential and enhance self concept by allowing them to interact with peers with like abilities and interests. However, the studies showed insufficient evidence, due to the inability to obtain adequate control groups and like treatment of those control groups.
The Early Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten class of 1988-1989, ECLS-K observed students from this class beginning in kindergarten through their fifth grade year. This study focused on children within the same school