November, 13, 2013
Thesis statement: during the gilded age there were created several documents that expressed the way the different social groups were thinking and feeling with the changes in the society.
There is no doubt the gilded age was a key historic moment in the developing of the United States of America to become the place that now we know, during this period the economy growth thanks to the combination of certain factors such as the appearance of great businessman who built the corporations that were the bases of the economy and a huge improvement in the technology. This historic moment set the path to became into the society that now we are. The assembly line together with the mass production and was established during this time. It also was a time of corruption one of the most important things that this time gave to the world is the institution of monopolies.
Henry Demarest wrote an article called “wealth against commonwealth” in 1894
This article was written with the intention of showing what was really happening in the world of the monopolies during the gilded age. The author probably was motivated by what he was watching; the inequality between the rich and the poor, too many were poor and just a few were extremely rich. He described the wealth as some kind of infection, He thought that we were losing the liberty that we earned by falling into corruption trying to be wealth.
Demarest mentioned that many rules were established to avoid the acts of corruption by the monopolies leaders, but they had not too much success an all remained the same. According to henry Demarest who said “if our civilization is destroyed , it will not be by, barbarians from below” (50) to refer that these businessman who owned these powerful corporations were the ones who will destroy the society .Henry Demarest stated that “monopoly is business at the end of its journey”, he said this because he