The following are the pool from which the three (3) questions on your Midterm Exam will be culled. As explained in the syllabus you are required to keep exam journals for the Gilgamesh, Persepolis and Hamlet readings, based on the separate questions listed on Blackboard for each text. You may use your Exam Journals together with your completed Freud Vocabulary when you take the Midterm Exam
1. Both Ophelia and Marjane experience bouts of deep depression. In what ways are the conditions that contribute to their respective depressions similar and how do they differ? What, other than the difference in their temperaments, might account for each responded to her sorrows?
What events led to each young woman’s depression?
What were the elements that helped Marjane recover that weren’t available to Ophelia?
2. Compare and contrast the friendship between Hamlet and Horatio to that of Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
How did they meet and become friends?
What roles do Enkidu & Horatio play in helping Gil & Ham achieve their goals?
How do Enk & Hor help their friends perceive the supernatural?
Who mourns and eulogizes whom in Gil & in Hamlet?
What might indicate that each relationship could have been homoerotic?
3. In what way might Freud’s concept of psychological resistance explain Gilgamesh’s response to Enkidu’s death? Hamlet’s response to the death of his father, King Hamlet?
Use the technical Freudian terms for the psychological resistances and why you think they apply to each
4. Which Freudian concepts might help explain the underlying psychological reasons why the reigning mullahs instituted such harsh restrictions on the status and behavior of women in Iran?
Use the technical Freudian terms for the psychological resistances and why you think they apply
5. Both Marjane and Hamlet sense that “there is something rotten” with the governance and policies of their native countries. What are the similarities and differences