Jim Schrantz
English Composition I
February 27, 2010
Copyright Law The copyright form is a type of protection that the law of the United States provides to the authors of original work, such as literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic, composers, poets, and other intellectual work. Even for the published or not published works the protection it’s available to them too. Piracy is used mostly comes from the United States. That is why the United States decided to make a Copyright Act for protection. The author that created the work only has the right to claim the copyright. The copyright owner has the right to do whatever they want with their protected works. Such as, reproduce the work in copies, display the work publicly, and many other things. Now, if the work is made by hire, the employer is considered the author not the employee. So, the employee does not have the right to claim the copyright. Anything that is contributed or be part of the works is considered a “work made of hire”. Any unpublished works is available to the copyright protection without a concern of their nationality or domicile of the author. The copyright protection does not protect all kinds of work or are not eligible to the copyright protection. This includes any works that have not been recorded, written, notated, and fixed. Anything that is not protected by the copyright protection does not own their works. Which now everybody can copy their work without their permission or paid the author. The authors works is only protect for a certain amount of years. If the work was created or registered on or after January 1, 1978 it is automatically protected. The Copyright Act of 1976 extended their renewal term from 28 to 47 years for copy. The copyright is used everywhere and for everything is created. But even though most of the works is protected by the copyright protection. Most of the people keep copying and selling the authors works without the