Many people search for alternative ways to treat illnesses other than the conventional use of drugs and surgery. These alternative ways include aromatherapy, naturopathy, and homeopathy. Aromatherapy uses essential oils to treat the illness. Naturopathy is a system of treating diseases through using essential oils to treat the illness. Naturopathy is a system of treating diseases through using a special diet, herbs, vitamins and various other natural healing pathways. Then lastly, homeopathy is use of carefully formulated mixtures of herbal medicines. Among the use of natural products to treat illnesses and disease is the use of clove oil, which is widely used for aromatherapy. Clove oil can be used to help treat toothaches, muscle pain, ringworms, warts and exhaustion. Other examples of medicinal remedies include palmetto berries used to treat nonmalignant prostate disease, gingko leaves area used to improve blood flow in capillaries and arteries, and ephedra stems can be used to treat asthma and hay fever.…
b. Black cohosh (stems and roots) may ease ______________ symptoms but the risks are that it may cause ____________, stomach discomfort and ___________ damage.…
The root of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. Within the roots are the alkaloids emetine, cephaeline, and psychotrine (Grieve, 2016). The uses for these alkaloids are as an expectorant, emetic, sialagogue, and antiprotozoal. Originally used by the natives as a remedy for bowel problems, it was introduced to Europe in 1672 as a cure for dysentery (Herbalpedia, 2010).…
The herb has been used throughout ancient history as a medical product to treat a variety of conditions such as heart and lung disease, insomnia, convulsions and intestinal spasms.…
Ginger is frequently used for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. If you suffer from gingivitis, it can be used to reduce inflammation, swelling and bacteria. The ginger rinse can be created by steeping fresh ginger in hot water. You should slice the ginger into small pieces before placing it in the water. Once the water cools, run the mixture through your entire mouth. You should rinse with this mixture throughout the day. In order to get the best results, you can drink the ginger mixture like you would a tea.…
It is a pain reliever, and also reduces fever. It is used to treat many problems like headache, muscle pain, back pain, tooth pains, fevers, and colds.…
Evening Primrose Oil contains a high concentration of fatty acid called GLA this fatty acid is largely responsible for the remarkable healing properties. Evening Primrose Oil is the preferred treatment by gynaecologists to treat their ailments of women.…
Herbs and spices have traditionally been used in cooking as they add flavor to our food. These herbs and spices have also been known to many cultures for their medicinal properties. The oils that are extracted from these spices and herbs are found to be effective in killing bacteria and viruses.…
The root has analgesic properties .Therefore the powdered root is used in the treatment of chest pains.…
Along with, trace minerals and vitamins Glucosamine & chondroitin are provided which promote growth and support to joints and bones in combination with ginger root extract, a natural ingredient.…
Ginger has a number of anti-inflammatory properties called gingerols. These gingerols attack and remove any toxins from your body. To get these…
5. Eat ginger. Raw ginger is said to relieve nausea and counteract inflammatory substances in the brain's blood vessels. Try to stop the migraine attack by drinking a cup of strong ginger tea or eat 500 mg of raw ginger at the first sign of…
John’s wort, Echinacea, ginseng which is used to promote the treatment of such health problems like depression and the common cold. A patient may start taking these over-the-counter vitamins and herbal supplements, and may not mention it to their physician. Some of these dietary supplements may interact with their prescription medications and they may experience and adverse effect. For example the herbal supplement “Black cohosh is a shrub-like plant found in North America. Black cohosh is often used for menopausal disorders ("hot flashes"), painful menstruation, uterine spasms, and vaginitis. There is concern that black cohosh might be toxic to the liver and may enhance liver toxicity with certain medications that also cause liver toxicity - (for example, atorvastatin (Lipitor), acetaminophen (Tylenol), or alcohol). Prescription drugs broken down by certain liver enzymes may accumulate in the body and lead to toxicity if used with black cohosh.” (L. Anderson, 2016)…
Ginseng - A root believed by some to have several medicinal properties, including reducing stress and boosting energy levels.…
Improved Digestion – To support proper digestion and treat leaky gut, take peppermint, fennel and ginger essential oils.…