There are only a few things that are more unnerving than memory lapses. The older people get the more that they tend to experience these. Younger people may forget a thing or two but they do not mind; the elderly think differently. To them, loss of concentration, memory lapses or simple inattentiveness could be signs of more serious illnesses. So what best supplements must you resort to in order to maintain an optimal brain capacity?
There are many dietary supplements that are being sold in the market which are tagged as memory enhancers. Every sort of herb, fish oil, vitamins, even countless concoctions of other ingredients claim that they can aid in improving mental …show more content…
One of the main reasons why this is being marketed is that it is a renowned brain booster. It is derived from the maidenhair tree and is widely trusted by Europeans when it comes to resolving cerebral insufficiency. This means that it can also aid in improving anxiety and depression.
More than 12 years ago, a study discovered that ginkgo can improve the mental function in Alzheimer’s patients. It has also been compared to a drug that is used for this disease and the results showed that ginkgo can be as effective as donepezil (Aricept).
PS or Phosphatidylserine
PS is a kind of fat that is found in the brain cells also in plant and other animal cells. This has been touted as a supplement that could prevent Alzheimer’s.
Derived from cow brain, this has been extracted from this source for the longest time but with the advent of mad cow disease, it became apparent that another source ought to be found. PS is now taken from soy.
One preliminary study shows that PS could help elderly people suffering from dementia.
Huperzine A
This comes from the Chinese moss known as Huperzia serrata. This is known to boost brain chemicals in the same manner as prescription drugs. Alzheimer’s patients can benefit from this as it can give the same effects as prescription drugs namely Aricept or