Giraffes only live in one continent. This continent is Africa. Giraffes are mostly in the countries of Chad and South Africa. Giraffes need a lot of room to roam , so giraffes enjoy living in the savannas that are found in Africa. There they can enjoy tall trees and open plains. A giraffe’s home range is around 8 and 50 square miles. This all sounds great for a giraffe’s habitat, but their habitat seems to keep getting small because of humans using the giraffes habitat area for building roads or buildings.
Giraffes are the tallest land mammal on earth. A giraffe’s leg alone is at least 6ft tall. That is as tall as a person! A giraffe’s neck is also 6ft long and weighs at least 600 pounds. The average male giraffe weighs around 2,600 pounds and is 16ft to 20 ft tall. The average female giraffe ,however, is smaller than the the male giraffe(also known as a Bull) by 800 pounds! a female giraffe …show more content…
weighs up to 1,800 pounds. Giraffe's also have a really cool pattern on their bodies that provide them with camouflage. These cool patterns also give people a idea of what species the giraffe may be.
A female giraffe's can be pregnant between 13 and 15 months.
Thats over a year! Female giraffes give birth while standing. As odd as that sounds, it's true. A baby giraffe ,at birth , weighs around 150 pounds and is 6 ft tall. The infant can grow an inch a day! thats really fast for an animal to grow! A young giraffe can stand up between 30 minutes to a hour. About 10 hours later the baby giraffe can run with all of the other giraffes. A baby giraffe will nurse from their mothers for 9 to 12 months. A male giraffe will continue living with their mother until he is about 15 months. Then he will go form a group with other male giraffes. A female giraffe will stay with their mother until they are about 18 months. The female giraffe will continue to stay with their
Giraffes prefer to eat things that are high up in the trees. These things are twigs and leaves, but giraffes can also consume grass. Giraffes can do this because of the internal design that prevents to much blood from rushing to the giraffe's head when they bend down to feed on grass and also to drink. Other than grass, leaves and twigs giraffes can also eat many different types of fruits that grow in trees. A giraffe can go back and feed on the same location over and over again. these action causes new foliage growth. giraffes donut drink as much water as other animals might. the reason is giraffes eat a lot of plants. Plants are mostly made up of water. When giraffes do drink, they usually take turns. Giraffes do this because of their predators. A giraffe's predator will try to strike the giraffe's neck so the giraffe has a harder time escaping their predators jaws.
Some people think that giraffes are easily defeated by many predators in the wild. Well, thats not true. A giraffe provides a huge meal,but giraffes are not that easy for the predator to catch and consume. Here are some things that makes a giraffe really difficult to catch. The first thing that makes it really hard for a predator to catch a giraffe is the giraffe's instincts. Giraffes have really good instincts. Also a giraffe is really tall. This helps the giraffe see really far off in the distance. Giraffes can also run up to 37 miles per hour. This gives the giraffe plenty of time to escape the predator. Another thing a giraffe can do to defend themselves is kick the predator. A giraffe is very powerful. They can kill their predator by just simply kicking them in the jaw or in the spine. All of these things benefit the giraffe's survival against a predator.
Some of the giraffes predators are lions,wild dogs, hyenas and leopards. A giraffe's predators mostly go after weak or young giraffes. The reason way a predator does this is the healthy and grown giraffes are really hard to get a hold of. Predators of a giraffe also mostly strike when least expected ,such as, while eating or drinking.
I hope you enjoyed my research paper. I also you learned some new things about these wonderful creatures. I know I did.