mayor quality of Kimberly is be a good daughter because she always support her mom, help her in her job, understand that she has barrier with the language, but the biggest barrier is don't be afraid of her sister.
In oriental culture older siblings are who manage families.
Ma always thinks that they have to pay every single cent to her sister because she made her move to America. On the other hand Kimberly question couple times to her mom why they have to live in that terrible place or why they need to work in that factory.
The time past and Kimberly was a brilliant student. She was gradued from high school, she was accepted to Yale college. She biggins a new live, new dreams but also new difficult. The process of change the live that they have was when her friend Annete visit kimberly a see the place that they live, " I knew you didn't have a lot of money but this is ridiculous. No one in America lives like this" (p.251) This is one of the point that help kimberly think to move and change her live.
I consider that the author put a liter bit of drama in the history. I consider that any legal immigrant in United States live like the author describe. This country help to poor people, support single mothers, help to pay home, food and health. So the situation describe in the novel is more dramatic that reality but I thinks she did that for keep the readers linked with the book. My favor part was when kimberly was accepted to High school and her aunt paula didn't believe that she begins to study in a school that her son didn't
The novel is a great history, she describe everting with good detail. For me was easy imagine all the situations that kimberly and her mom had to resolve. I'll recommend this book to student of high school. Because is the age that they start to build solid values for adult life. Also the book can be an inspiration for help them to follow dreams. Have achievements gives reason to their lives. Young people can see that others doesn't have the same opportunity to go to a good college or be a talent professional. All this is the result of big sacrifice.