Girl, interrupted does indeed portray the psychological disorder accurately. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) you are often having a insecure sense of who you are, your self-image, self identity or sense of self often rapidly change. Symptoms of borderline personality order consist of impulsive behavior, wide mood swings, feeling misunderstood, alone, empty, and suicidal thoughts. Susana engages herself with promiscuous actions like sleeping with her mother’s friends husband. Susan also attempted suicide by taking a whole bottle of aspirin and washing it down with vodka. While in the emergency room, Susana claims that she doesn’t have bones in her wrist, and grew back upon arrival at the hospital. While her stay in the asylum Susana takes part in some impulsive behavior by running away with Lisa another patient in the asylum. Susana strikes as the kind of person who doesn’t belong in a place like this and is a nice girl. One of the nurses Valarie who is an exceptional nurse can’t be a doctor due to her ethnicity. Susana always respected Valarie until she picked up the behavior from Lisa and cussed out Valarie, which would be an example of her mood swings
I found Girl, interrupted to be a great movie to help me grasp the concept of a borderline personality disorder. Although at first her outbursts didn’t seem too much out of the norm. In my opinion it’s just the typical attitude of a teenager now days. The more I read about what exactly a borderline personality was I started to see the disorder within