Professor Feriante
English 1301-3031
31 March 2013
Girls Have Power
In Sady Doyle’s article, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fangs: The Unwarranted Backlash Against Fans of the World’s Most Popular Vampire – Romance,” is based on a typical fairy tale romance that is successful because it is geared towards teenage girls that have an idea of love; only this time it is not of Romeo and Juliet, but of a vampire and a human being. Although Doyle reveals that the Twilight series is not one of the best reads, she offers her insight on the importance on catering to a specific audience and how it aids in success. There are many critics that are upset with the series. The fans have been called “Squealing hordes”. Even though Twilight is considered to be unwarranted or said not to have any substance to the storyline, the teenage girls continue purchase the books to read and continue to flock to these films. They are considered to be empty headed as they shriek while the credits roll. Doyle defends the female audience that is attracted to this film and its story plot instead of defending the fantasy script itself. Doyle understands that it may not be the best of literature writing, but because this series is fulfilling to the fantasies of many teenage girls and holds their interest, which is the force behind the success of this book series and film productions. Doyle also in this article further explains how the Twilight series is geared toward a young female audience. She points out how the narrator of this fantasy film is a female and reflects on the emotions and attractions a teenage girl would most likely possess. The narrator is also a person who a young girl can relate to as well as understand her point of view while telling the story. This fairy tale fantasy seems to give to the young female audience something that they need. It was also pointed out that through the eyes of teenage boys, the male characters of the Twilight series are not viewed as