It was the night of July 18th. The air was very warm and it turned out to be one fun- filled and exotic night. Ainisha, Kimberly and myself had made plans to go out and get drunk (something we rarely do). We had got dressed and we all looked incredibly sexy like a top model in the sports illustrated magazine. We wasn’t to dressy, but sexy enough to blend in with the local crowd. Ainisha had worn a black printed shirt that hung off her shoulders like leaves hanging from a tree, and some laced tights that showed off her short, bodacious body. Kimberly had worn a white form fitting v-neck shirt that had her large breasts bulging out like an overstuffed teddy bear, and yelling “hey you” to anyone that looked their way. Me, myself wore a pair of bright yellow skinny jeans, that were as yellow as the hot sun, with a colorful and head turning halter top, that tied around my neck perfectly like a diamond necklace. Our accessories gleamed with shades of blue, pink, yellow, silver and gold from the left side to the right side. It looked as if it were colorful fireworks being set off in the sky from our accessories. You couldn’t tell us that we didn’t look incredibly flawless like a makeup model off of the covergirl page.
The girls and I, had decided to go to the Midway Bar and Grille. When we got there, the lights were dim, the music was bumping, and everybody grooved away in the night to the smooth, yet banging, hip-hop and r&b songs that the DJ played. We headed straight to the bar where everyone started out at to get tipsy. Ainisha had ordered all three of us, Long Island Iced Teas, which consist of about seven to eight different clear liquors.
Once we got our drinks and started sipping, the alcohol started talking to us telling us to get up, get up and groove, get up and move, get up and dance until you cant anymore. So that’s what we did. I grabbed a male friend and took him on the dance floor and danced