In “Girls Really Do Prefer Pink” (, August 20th, 2007), Ed Edelson states that the majority of girls would choose pink on other colors. A study was made in Newcastle University about what males and females would choose when two pairs of colors appear on the screen in front of them. The study says that females tend to choose pinkish colors “on the side of red-green axis of colors”. On the other hand, the number of males who chose bluish colors was equal to the number of females, so there was no preference for bluish colors.
Females like reddish colors more than other colors. If you take a look at their things, you would find everything has a percentage of reddish colors. I think that the reason why females like reddish colors goes back hundred of years ago when females used to collect the fruits from plants. In my opinion, the results of the study that the author talked about in the article, were good evidence about girls do prefer pinkish colors. Because when you show two things to humans, they immediately choose the thing that they like without thinking.