As a first step, you need to find a country or state that has the same area than Hungary (93,000 km2), in this case the state of Chihuahua, that has around 247,000 km2 it will be used for the exercise.
Once that the state of Chihuahua is been chosen, you need to search for this state spatial data for free, three websites with shapefiles of Chihuahua were found. The first one is, finding the area shapefile for the state of Chihuahua with a scale of 1:1,000,000 which has a version that is distributed in the format VMap0 Vector Product Format (VPF), and is described by a special standard Vector Product Format Standard (MIL-STD-2407), with latest edition of 1997, with a geographic coordinated system of WGS84. The second website is, finding various shapefiles of interest with a sale of 1:1,000,000 and a geographic coordinate system of WGS84, with no access restriction, but is prohibited to use this information for commercial proposes, and must cite the source map and CONABIO (Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad), which is the original source of the geodatasets. The third website is, the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografica e Informatica (INEGI) of Mexico which contains various shapefiles of interest with a scale of 1:1,000,000 and use a geographic coordinate system of ITRF92, with no access restriction, but is prohibited to use this information for commercial proposes, and must cite the source map and INEGI, which is the original source of the geodatasets.
It is a must to use GTOPO30 DEM ( in order to obtain the raster and hillshading. This DEM