Revolution is a fundamental change in the character of a nation’s government, political system, or way of life.1 Again, a revolution could mean, An overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.2 Furthermore, A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. 3 Revolutions are historical facts of life; almost all major states in today’s world are born from revolutions, Whether one likes it or not, our century has seen something like three dozen revolutions-some victorious, others defeated-and there is no sign that we have come to the end of the revolutionary experience.4Revolutions materialize in different forms and ways in communities. A revolution could involve a monumental cultural change in art and design or a political change that sweeps away old institutions. A revolution can be peaceful or violent. Whatever the circumstances, what defines a revolution is a significant change that rewrites the rules of how people fundamentally behave in a society.5
There are different kinds of revolution but the three great kinds revolutions are Agricultural, Industrial and Information Revolutions which are also referred to as the three massive kinds of revolutions. Other kinds of revolution are Economic, Social, Political, Religious and Militant, Violent revolutions just to mention a few.
There are different causes of revolutions one is, Revolutions start usually with development processes, Development is a planned effort to bring positive change. Also, another cause of revolutions is Enlightenment ideas that is new and better ways of doing things. In the medieval period the Enlightenment period was one of the causes of the revolution. Again, another cause of revolutions is unpopular method of rule that is when people don’t like the type of government. Also,