Giving Microsoft Office Software to Students
Jennifer Henderson
Virginia College Online
Giving Microsoft Office Software to Students Should public schools give their students Microsoft office software? Yes they should because most of the students’ schoolwork requires the use of the software. Also avoid writing as if you are speaking to the audience. Instead say: Also, many parents cannot afford the software. take into consideration that many parents cannot afford the software. Do not use the word “sure” . Just say: Students can go to the public library, but what if they have no way to get there? Sure the students can go to the can go to the public library but what if they have no way to get there. Public schools should give their students Microsoft office software so they can do their schoolwork.(and what else ? ) When buying Microsoft office software it can cost a lot of money. Some parents cannot afford to purchase the software for their children. The parents are not offered discounts for the product. The schools, on the other hand, have enough funding to give students to give every student the software. The Microsoft Company offers the school discounts. If the schools give students the software then the students can do their work.Find evidence that support that Microsoft gives discounts. When students do their work it requires the use of Microsoft office. Most schoolwork requires students to write essays. When they write their essays the use of Microsoft office is needed to format the essay correctly. Some teachers want the student to e-mail their work to them. Since the teachers use Microsoft office, the software is the only way to open the document. When students want to access their work at school it will be easier for the work to be pull up because the software is what the school use. This last sentence does not make sense. Continue to write about students