Throughout the story, Walls uses astounding imagery to describe her family’s living conditions which helps the reader understand the family’s severe levels of poverty and disorder. In the winter, life on Little Hobart Street for the Walls was depressing due to the dreary weather. While sitting together in front of the stove and cuddling up in big blankets to try and stay warm, Walls states that the difference between the temperature inside and outside was only a few degrees. Once Brian realizes there is no insulation in the house, Jeannette tells Rosemary of her aversion for the cold and the winter months, as usual Rose Mary responds that winter kills germs, yet an odd sentence it was able to get her out of any additional explanation of a comment given by one of her children. Rose Mary’s response demonstrates her philosophy that putting her children in danger due to a belief that overcoming obstacles is crucial to infusing them with a strong sense of independence. This strong sense of independence is very prominent in Walls, and allows her to support herself throughout the memoir.
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