Members of the women’s movement say that “The Glass Ceiling” prevents women from moving into executive positions. The first thought of The Glass Ceiling came to forefront in 1987. Women believed they were unfairly being paid less than men, but what these women did not …show more content…
The AFL-CIO and the Institute for Women's Policy Research’s study women over the age of 50 that are still working, get paid $.74 of every $1.00 a man makes doing the same job. Although this study may sound clear that there is a wage gap, this study left out some important information on to why there in fact is no wage gap. The study did not include that these women in the study had little if any college education and this study while the men had college diplomas. This study also failed to include that they define “the same job” as a part time jobs and full time jobs. Even though this information was out of context, many supporters did not question the data which outraged feminist and other …show more content…
They say no matter what excuses there are, the information shows the average woman earned only $273,592 while the average man earned 722,693. There was a gap of 62% in the last 15 years. Many supporters of the idea of a wage gap do not listen to all the statics and information that people dispute to fight against the wage gap because all they see is that women are not making as much as men, and not understanding that there are reasons for everything. The biggest issue the public has with the wage gap is they believe it is an effect of discrimination. The followers believe that the wage gap is because of discrimination in the labor market, discrimination in pre-labor market preparation, and the constrained decisions men and women make about work and home issues. Women say they face a degree of sex segregation when in the labor market, in jobs where the majority of the workers are men. This shows these women do not just have a problem with how much they are paid or how many hours they work, but also how they are treated while at work in male dominated