Throughout history there has been many different groups that have encountered discrimination. The main group has been the African/African-American population for many years. Other groups have been the Irish, Chinese, Mexicans, and the Jews, just to name a few. Those groups all endured prejudice based on ethnicity; the new group is facing prejudice because of their sexual orientation. The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered community experiences many challenges in society globally. It is a shame that we must be told who we can love or what sex we can be. For the GLBT community deserves as much right as the "straight" community because everyone involved is a human being not an object that …show more content…
On that night seven plain clothed detectives came into the gay bar and announced their presence. The detectives demanded identification papers from the customers and then escorted them outside. Some were thrown into the paddy wagon and pushing others off the sidewalk. The "usual-suspects" who fled the s, stone wall riots cene came back and decided to fight against this injustice (figure 1). After these instances many more were triggered ("Stone Wall Riots- 1969"). Coins, bottles, rocks and other objects were thrown at the police officers. Detective Inspector Pine, who was the lead in the crackdown, ordered his fellow officers to follow into the empty bar and proceeded to bash and severely beat a heterosexual folk singer who just happened to walk by. D.I Pine and his subordinates were just about burnt alive when lighter fluid was squirted through the door of the Inn and someone attempted to ignite the fluid. Many more events came to follow with the brutal beatings of gays, lesbians, drag kings/queens, and those who seemed "camp" or "femme" were made examples