What is a GLIDER? : A light engineless aircraft designed to glide after being towed aloft or launched from a catapult.
Parts of Glider :
A glider consists of three main parts:
1) Fuselage
2) Wing
3) Tail
FUSELAGE: It can be defined as the main body of the glider. It is cambered and in the middle portion, we attach the wing around the position where the camber is maximum by either making a slot in the fuselage, or by dividing in two parts.
WING: It is the most important part of the glider. When air flows past it, a lift is created in the plane due to the difference in the curvature of upeer and lower parts. This is infact responsible for balancing the weight of the plane and thus make it fly.
Generally it is located at C/4, where c is the chord length (length of fuselage).
To bring the CG to c/4 we add some weight at the nose in the form of clay.
TAIL: A tail or a Stabilator is attached at the rear end of the glider and consists of two parts horizontal and vertical stabilator.
The function of the tail is to provide stability and control to vertical up down movement of the nose (called pitching).
How Gliders fly?
There are 4 aerodynamic forces that act on a glider while flying:
a) Lift: upward force (generated by wing)
b) Gravity: downward force (due to weight of the plane)
c) Thrust: forward force (power of the airplane’s engine.
d) Drag: backward force (resistance of air)
It is the ratio of the wing span to wing’s chord length.
During my research on the gliders, I came across 3 interesting designs:
1) Polystyrene Glider
Materials required: Cardboard, polystyrene tray, pencil, eraser, knife, some presticks.
Procedure: Draw the shapes of fuselage, wing and tail on the polystyrene and cut it. Wings should not be too long rather should be thin. The drawings must fit onto the polystyrene tray.
Using a knife,
References: [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://www.hyperflight.co.uk/products.asp?code=PM-K8B-3M [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://students.iitk.ac.in/aeromodelling/downloads/glider.pdf (n.d.). Retrieved from http://students.iitk.ac.in/aeromodelling/downloads/glider.pdf (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.instructables.com/id/easy-polystyrene-glider/ (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/how_4855562_make-cardboard-glider.html (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.instructables.com/id/Simple-Cardboard-Flyer-SCF-1/step5/SCF-1-Tail-horizontal-stabilizers/