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Direct Measurement of Global Value Chains: Collecting Product- and Firm-Level Statistics on Value Added and Business Function Outsourcing and Offshoring
Timothy J. Sturgeon, MIT* Peter Bøegh Nielsen, Statistics Denmark Greg Linden, UC Berkeley Gary Gereffi, Duke University Clair Brown, UC Berkeley Final Draft: April 2, 2012 Forthcoming as Chapter 9 in the World Bank volume: The Fragmentation of Global Production and Trade in Value-Added - Developing New Measures of Cross Border Trade, based om a Trade Workshop held at World Bank Headquarters, June 9-10, 2011
WHY NEW FIRM-­‐LEVEL STATISTICS ON VALUE ADDED AND INTERNATIONAL SOURCING ARE NEEDED NOW .... 1 PRODUCT-­‐LEVEL GVC STUDIES .......................................................................................................................... 3 BUSINESS FUNCTION SURVEYS ........................................................................................................................... 8 Business function lists ............................................................................................................................................. 9 The Eurostat International Sourcing Survey .......................................................................................................... 11 The relationship between international sourcing and employment ..................................................................... 13 The 2011 National Organizations Survey .............................................................................................................. 15 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 22 REFERENCES

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