The government is simultaneously embroiled in a seemingly permanent corruption scandal. Indeed, Kenya placed among the most corrupt countries in the world in Transparency International's 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index. In early December 2010, high-ranking finance ministry officials disclosed to a parliamentary committee that Kenya could be losing up to one-third of the national budget to corruption each year, for a total of nearly US$4 billion annually. (Palmer, 2011)
For the time being, corruption will continue to be a part of the daily life of every Kenyan. According to Transparency International, a poll from 2001 showed that a quarter of Kenyans believe corruption to be the single most important issue facing the country, ahead of poverty and unemployment--and this in a country with a 40 percent unemployment rate. I find these facts to be very disturbing and unfortunate a country with so many resources could face these many challenges. (Palmer, 2011)
Alex, P. (2011). A new Future for Kenya? Reforming a Culture of Corruption. Harvard international Review,
Q. Under what conditions is it ethically defensible to outsource production to the developing world where labor costs are lower when such actions also involve laying off long-term employees in the firm’s home country?
This topic always leaded to a heated discussion whether you are for it or against it. It was very interesting last Saturday in class to defend what we thought was right and find the right article to support our cause. As I want my first response to