Globalization is an ongoing process of integration and interaction amongst companies, governments and people. It is driven by invention of new technologies and forms of communications, international trade and investment. In addition to economic aspects, globalization plays an important part in other fields. It can also be defined as the integration of economic, cultural, political, ecological and social systems through internationalization and interconnectedness.
Globalization is the principally new step in the development of the long-term process of internationalization (transnationalization) of the economic, political, cultural, legal and other aspects of the society's life, at the point when interrelationships between the national socials have reached such a level, when some drastic changes within the entire world community gradually transforming into the integral society institute, became inevitable.
The level of economic, scientific, technological, legal and informational interrelationships of the national industries have reached a point, when at least three principally novel features are imminent. First, the world's economic community, formerly seen as loosely connected multiple countries, is gradually transforming into the integral economic system, with national societies now representing the constituents of the integral world's economic body.
Second, while conditions of globalization, national and global economic issues are swapping roles. With the development of international financial and other markets as well as production-sale structures, the global economic relationships more and more acquire the role of leading and governing structures. Even internal affairs of large and powerful countries, not to mention the remaining ones, are forced to adapt to the realities of the global economy.
Third, globalization process objectively leads to elimination and weakening of the regulatory functions of the national state,