To What Extent Are European Entrepreneurs Seeking To Start New Businesses At
ADisadvantage Compared To Their American Rivals?
The European Union and the United States are each other's main trading partners and enjoy the largest bilateral trade relationship in the world. In 2007 their combined economies accounted for nearly 60 % of global GDP, approximately 33 % of world trade in goods and 44% of world trade in services.
The onset of the financial crisis in 2008 resulted in a rapid deterioration of the real economy all over the world, which had a major impact on trade volumes. In this changing environment the United States and the European Union are the main engines of global growth and must remain committed to free and non-discriminatory trade. For this reason, the unfolding economic recession makes the transatlantic relationship even more pertinent.
Available at: http://vlex.com/vid/barreras-entrada-interconexion-paso-129564 (Acessed:28 February).
International trade remains a central aspect of the activity economic growth and development processes of most modern societies. According to Krugman (1991), nations are engaged in the international trade for two reasons.
The first is that countries that traded in the international market are not necessarily similar, but different each other, trade helps poor countries benefit from their differences, acquiring foreign market that has not or is not economically feasible to produce in the local market, and reaching, as a result, a certain improvement in local production.
The second reason refers to the countries market to achieve economies of scale in production, so that the expansion of markets and customers purchase their products allows each country to produce only a very limited range goods on a larger scale and more efficient that attempting to produce a variety of goods to meet certain local markets.
In this regard,