MBA 531
June 4, 2013
Task Rabbit
Task Rabbit is an online and mobile marketplace that connects people to accomplish certain tasks. Some may be tedious, such as errand running and others maybe be more engaging, like planning a large event. Their “network of background checked TaskRabbits can handle everything from laundry to graphic design,” (“About”). Thus far, the company engages in the domestic service market only. Subsequently, the following global business plan was developed to illustrate how Task Rabbit can enter the international business arena, starting in Australia. This plan will demonstrate why, in time, it is good idea for Task Rabbit to seek out the foreign market in an attempt to sell these services. Some of the key points it will cover are: the potential competitors currently in the Australian market, influential demographic trends, and geographic, economic and cultural factors that could influence this global business opportunity.
There has been a multitude of personal concierges popping up in Australia since the early 2000’s. Professionals are busy people and time is everyone’s most valuable asset. Thus, it is the only thing we cannot buy, until now. Some of the potential competitors that Task Rabbit will face are: One Concierge, Someone Lifestyle Services and Concierge Connections. All of these companies are based in Sydney or Melborne but will service the whole area of Australia. Task Rabbit will overcome any barriers having to do with these competitors because their operations are slightly different from the rest. They allow the client to post the task or errand that needs to be completed and Task Rabbit “employees” bid on the job and the client can choose which person they want to go with. They can choose based on the reputation of the person or by the cost of their quote. It gives the clients options, which empowers them and puts in control. Australia currently does not have a
Cited: "About Us." Task & Errand Service By Awesome, Trustworthy People. TaskRabbit, Inc, 2013. Web. 7 June 2013. Australia Demographics Profile 2013. Rep. CIA, 2013. Web. 6 June 2013. "Australian Income and Wealth Distribution." McCrindle Research. McCrindle Research Pty Ltd, 24 Apr. 2012. Web. 6 June 2013. Willkie, Joann, and Tony McDonald. "Economic Geography and Economic Performance in Australia." Australian Government The Treasury. N.p., 2008. Web. 6 June 2013.