Enc 1101
16 February 2012
What is a Global Citizen? The concept of what defines a global citizen varies, for people have their own opinions and say about how they see an ideal one as. Kwame Appiah wrote Cosmopoltianism, and in his opinion, a global citizen is seen as one who sees no division within themselves and “others”; that it is necessary to agree with one another to behave morally. The view of an ideal global citizen has been altered for centuries, and in every culture it is uniquely seen and educated differently. Many Americans may agree when asked, “what is an ideal global citizen”, their responses would be, following the laws, paying taxes, helping out around the community, having a job or going to school and being of course patriotic. Though there is no correct answer, when thinking of an ideal global citizen, it must come to mind that it is yourself and how you play a role around the world… with over 6 billion people. Earlier read, Madeline Albright’s essay, she has brought the attention of American diplomats needing to know and understand foreign countries ties with religion and their government if we want easier and peaceful international affairs with them. She also presents how having religion and politics united as one may help the country prosper. In addition, Madeline’s and Appiah’s views on “global citizen” differ, with Madeline seeing a role played with having religion and government, and Appiah putting that aside, and just bringing together agreed morals with one another. In my opinion, being an global citizen means being mindful that we all live on the same planet and that our actions can have an impact on people in other parts of the world. In addition, being an “ideal” global citizen is, one who is aware of the world outside the U.S and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen, understand and perform basic morals, and one who is willing to voluntarily help others, putting passion and care first.
Cited: Albright, Madeleine. “Faith and Diplomacy.” Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. Ed. Barclay Barrios. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010. 23-33. Print. Appiah, Kwame. “Conversation.” Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. Ed. Barclay Barrios. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010. 23-33. Print. Appiah, Kwame. “The Primacy of Practice.” Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. Ed. Barclay Barrios. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010. 23-33. Print.