Brittany Kaloi
CJA 394
September 24, 2012
Christopher Manning
Global Crimes Analysis
In this paper it will identify the various major global crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on national and international justice systems and processes. This paper will discuss many of the important global crimes that are an ongoing issue around the world today and the different international justice processes in various countries. Crime unfortunately is not slowing down and it is in every country and affects national and international justice system, and we are going to discuss all the aspects of it in this paper.
There are many global crimes and criminal issues that have impacted the justice systems drastically. To name a few global crimes: drug trafficking, terrorism, smuggling, fraud, extortion, money laundering, briber, gangs, cyber crime and many more affecting international justice systems. There is one major crime that is an ongoing multi-billion dollar industry in the world which is the global drug trade. The global drug trade is an industry that is a multi-billion dollar industry. Drugs are produced everywhere in the world but the bulk of drugs come from a few countries. The Golden Crescent and Golden Triangle produce most of the opium poppies that produce heroin. Cocaine comes mainly from South America. Marijuana is produced in most countries since it’s easy to grow. The heroin producing countries, which are known as the Golden Triangle Burma, Myanmar, Thailand and Laos, and the Golden Crescent Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran are mostly third-world countries. The drug trade helps their economies and brings more money in to their country. In order to improve the overall effectiveness of strategies the law enforcement's from other countries needs to work together to try and come up with strategies and ways to take down the drug trade.
Another major global crime that is an issue in society is cyber crime it is one of the