Peter Qiu
John Baker
Rough Draft
Athens was the largest city in Greece, located at the Attica peninsula. The name Athens was come from the Goddess of Athena, who is the protector of Athens. Between the mountains were fertile valleys, with many farms. Athens became rich because Attica also had valuable sources of various types of material, which allowed them to trade with other city-states (Ancient Greece:Athens, source 5). As the ancestor of modern democracy, Athenian lower and middle classes had a quite well social status, which shows the equal of human rights. The education in Athens was well-designed and advanced, that most of their people were able to have education till primary school and they would …show more content…
Teachers also was encouraged to added additional information they knew to the school course. Their education goal was to “produce citizens trained in the arts, to prepare citizens for both peace and war.”(Education in Athens, source 6) This type of education system allowed children to develop towards full stature, that they were versatile in skill and thoughtful in mind. In Athens, they were never lack of good generals and artists. In the history of Athens, they produced many famous philosopher such as Socrates, and Plato. This reflects that Athenians really valued children education a …show more content…
The spirit of free will. Spartans were caged in their city while Athenians were traveling the world; Spartans were not only chained by their helots, they were also the slaves of their out-dated thoughts about life. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, human needs can simply be divided into two parts: physical need, which means wealth, safe living, and food, and the spiritual need, which means art, free will and happiness. Even the children in Athens lived a happier and better life than Spartan kids. Great philosopher of Athens, Plato said: “To form the character of the child over three and up to six years old there will be need of games.” Spartan children did not have a complete life as their character was not built entirely. They didn’t even know how to enjoy life! If Spartans were at the dead sea of Israel, Athenians were already at the top of the Himalayas, metaphorically. In a nutshell, Athens was a superior state than Sparta because they had more focus on children’s education, which shows they had advanced and modern idea of education. They also had democratic government, which make a peaceful and stable society as every citizens of Athens were free in will and had equal rights. Lastly they had a superior idea of living than Spartan did, since they knew how to enjoyed lives by playing arts and entertaining