Employee Ethics Program
Management 535
Kimberly Wiethoff
Texas A&M - Commerce
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for MGT 535
Professor Lloyd M. Basham
February 10, 2012
Table of Contents
Abstract 3
Employee Ethics Programs 4
Employee Ethics and Integrity 5
Honesty and Integrity 6
Health and Safety 6
Compliance With Laws and Regulations 6
Record Keeping and Reporting 7
Fair Dealing 7
Quality and Customer Satisfaction 7
Protection and Proper use of Company Assets 7
Conflicts of Interest 8
Confidentiality 8
Encouraging the reporting of any illegal or unethical behavior 8
Waiver of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics 8
Conclusion - Recommendations to the Executive Vice President 9
References 10
Appendix A - It Pays To Be Ethical 11
Appendix B - 2011 World 's Most Ethical Companies 12
Appendix C - Top 10 Unethical Companies in the World 15 Abstract
Values and ethics are what we judge to be right individually and organizationally. Values determine what is right and what is wrong, and the action of doing what is right or wrong is called ethics. When an individual is to behaving in a manner that is consistent with what is generally considered to be right or moral, they are acting ethically (National Defense University, n.d.). In order for there to be mutual trust and respect, ethical behavior must be followed by everyone involved. Jack Welch, former chairman of GE, is a huge advocate for the major acceptance and use of ethics in business. Whenever his company was faced with an ethical dilemma that was caused by one of his employees which put GE on the wrong side of the law, Jack Welch was always cooperative with investigators. If it was found that something with one of the companies employees put the company at risk, he would accept the guilt and make the appropriate corrective actions to remedy the situation. This ethical and moral activity served GE well in their
References: AFOP (2012). Action for our planet. Top 10 unethical companies. Retrieved from: http://www.actionforourplanet.com/#/top-10-unethical-companies/4545796858 B Corporation.net (n.d.) Dempster, S. (n.d). Author Palace. Without ethics the company has lost its soul. Retrieved from: http://www.authorpalace.com/business/ethics/without-ethics-the-company-has-lost-its-soul.html Ethisphere (2012) National Defense University (n.d). Strategic Leadership and Decision Making. Values and ethics. Retrieved from: http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/ndu/strat-ldr-dm/pt4ch15.html Simpsons Manufacturing (2011) The following is a list of the companies that were found to be the world 's most ethical companies in 2011 (Ethisphere, 2012). "There is no set number of companies that make the list each year