1- The concept of Global Governance
2- What is the WB, Roles and Functions in today’s world.
3- Some examples of WB policies not being effective: Brazil.
4- The consequence of the WB’s policies that were not successful: Brazil.
5- Successful WB policies that were effective and improved India.
6- What is the IMF, Roles and Functions in today’s world.
7- The differences & similarities between the IMF and World Bank.
8- Some examples of IMF policies not being effective: Iceland and Greece.
9- The consequence of the IMF’s policies that were not successful.
10- Successful IMF policies that were effective and improved Jordan and Greece.
The concept of Global Governance
• Like globalisation, global governance is a permissive notion. According to Biersteker,T. “global governance is applied to a wide variety of different practices of order, regulation, system of rules and patterned regularity in the international arena”.
• Rosenau (1992b:7) describes global governance as “an order that lacks a centralized authority with the capacity to enforce decisions on a global scale”
• The purpose of worldwide governance is for the management of interdependence that is absence on the global state.
• According to Bull,H. (1977) it must also be for a great global objective, “global governance must be purposive and/or oriented toward the achievement of some goal or goals.”
• For global governance to be effective it must be patterned with some sort of regularity or order at a global level.
• Global governances need to have a system of rules. Global governance entails decisions that defines and shape expectations at a global level. Governance requires acceptance by a significant portion of some relevant population and therefore is a dependent on inter-subjective meaning as a formally sanctioned constitution and charters (Rosenau 1992b:4)
• Global governance should not be equated with country’s government but a function within the
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