Marks & Spencer in UK & UAE
Submitted By: Zhang Qang (MAIM FEB 2010)
Student No: 109998494
Module Leader: Dixon
An organisation needs an image, which projects itself as a responsible and trustworthy which is not only interest in making money but also places the interest of its customers as well. In this assignment we will review different aspects of Globally Integrated Marketing Strategy and our focused organisation will be Marks & Spencer. We will focus on its IMC practices and how they act as part of the organisation’s strategic framework. The study will consider M&S operations in UK and UAE for its research purposes and will elaborate how resembles as well as differs in the two environments. Finally, with the launch of a new product line we will try to incorporate how a new product needs to integrated into the existing overall structure and marketing framework of the organisation.
Table of Contents
Part A - Integrated Marketing Communications 3
Company Overview 4
History 4
Objectives and Products 4
Marks & Spencer’s Integrated Marketing Communications 5
Marks & Spencer in UK 6
Marks & Spencer in UAE 7
Special marketing features for UAE 7
Similarities in UK and UAE Marks & Spencer 7
Differences in UK and UAE Marks & Spencer 8
Challenges of practicing IMC 8
Part –B New Product Plan 9
Overview 9
Business Plan 10
Budget and Gantt chart 10
References 11
Part A - Integrated Marketing Communications
“Integration of communications – as with anything else, attempts to combine, integrate, and synergise different elements of the promotional mix, so to consumers, messages through a variety of different mechanisms look, sound, and feel alike” (Kitchen et al. 2004: 18). According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008), companies using IMC techniques “carefully integrates its many communication channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling
References: • investing in the environment within stores • providing good customer service to look after customers (The Times 100 2010)