“Bridgestone: European Marketing Strategy”
1.0: Make an assessment of the competitive strategies that Michelin, Continental and Goodyear respectively may pursue to strengthen their European Market position. Page 4-6
2.0 Make an assessment of the alternative competitive strategies that Bridgestone can pursue to strengthen its European Market position. Page 7-8
3.0 Give a well-reasoned proposal for the criteria to be used by Bridgestone when choosing market (country) that requires a larger marketing effort (you can also include central and eastern Europe). Page 9-10
4.0 “Global localisation” (glocalisation) is a policy that each company has implemented successfully. Critically review the concept of glocalisation. Give examples for each company from the case. Page 10-12
Appendix I – Mckinsey/GE Matrix.
1.0 Make an assessment of the competitive strategies that Michelin, Continental and Goodyear respectively may pursue to strengthen their European Market position.
The success of a company’s competitive strategy depends on how it relates to its environment (Porter, 1980). This report discusses how Michelin, Continental and Goodyear relates environment, encompassing social as well as economic forces to increase their market in European market.
Bridgestone is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of tyres and hope to increase their company brand awareness within markets where they are less well known. However, to do this they have to compete with the market leaders within this sector such as Michelin, Continental and Goodyear. The competitive strategies of each respective industry to strengthen their European Market position are highlighted below:
Michelin is a French tyre manufacturer that has the highest percentage
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