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International Marketing Review 18,5 542
Received June 1999 Revised February 2000 Accepted June 2000
Benefits and challenges of global sourcing: perceptions of US apparel retail firms
School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, and Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Keywords International sourcing, Retailing, Clothing industry Abstract Investigates various benefits and challenges that retail firms perceive in global sourcing, and how those benefits and challenges differ in terms of firms ' demographic and managerial characteristics. Data were collected from 148 apparel retail firms. Three benefits factors (competitive advantage, quality assurance and service enhancement) and four challenge factors (logistics, regulations, cultural difference and country uncertainty) were identified. The types and levels of benefit factors a firm achieved from global sourcing were significantly different in terms of the product type and import volume. The challenge factors associated with global sourcing were also different in terms of the product type, percentage of imports, experience, and regions of sourcing. Information provided by this study expands our understanding of sourcing activities by apparel retailers which have significant presence in the global sourcing landscape in the USA.
Jinsook Cho
Jikyeong Kang
International Marketing Review, Vol. 18 No. 5, 2001, pp. 542-561. # MCB University Press, 0265-1335
Introduction In the last several decades, firms in the USA have faced increased competition from all around the world. The competitive pressure from markets and consumers has forced many firms to improve the quality of their products and to lower the cost of bringing them into the market. Success in
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